Seventy-seven flowers on ten inflorescences; sepals and petals white; flared bilobe lip white with green throat; foliage clean; fifteen upright canes in a eight-inch cement pot in medium bark chips; flower substance average; texture matte. Natural spread horizontal 7.7 cm, vertical 6.0 cm; dorsal sepal width 1.4 cm, length 4.0 cm; petals width 4.6 cm, length 4.7 cm; lateral sepals width 0.8 cm, length 4.0 cm; lip width 3.9 cm, length 5.0 cm.

Award Number2018-09
Award Date03/22/2018
VenueKunia Orchid Show
Plant NameJane Warne
CultivarHailey Wald
OwnerGeorge & Judy Hidano
PhotographerAlyn Nishioka