Installation Banquet Held at Hale Ikena

The Honolulu Orchid Society held its Installation Banquet at the Hale Ikena Restaurant at Fort Shafter on Sunday, January 19.  55 people attended the Sunday brunch.  Everyone enjoyed the food and went home happy with boxes full of plants.  The pictures below tell the story.  Photographs were taken by Calvin Abe and Melvin Waki.

Registration table.
Attendees were greeted at the registration table manned by Carol De Witt, Nancy Woltmon and Eddy Iwamura.  Pam Waki signs in.
Calvin Abe inspects the flower arrangements that were raffled off.
Calvin Abe inspected the flower arrangements that were raffled off.
Plants purchased by the Society were put on display for everyone to inspect.  These plants were given away to all who attended.
Plants purchased by the Society were put on display for everyone to inspect. These plants were given away to all who attended.
Mel Waki, the MC, welcomed the 55 attendees to the banquet.
Mel Waki, the MC, welcomed the 55 attendees to the banquet.
Dr. Inge White paid tribute to Dr. Yoneo Sagawa who passed away in December.  Dr. Sagawa was a staunch supporter of HOS and the orchid industry.
Dr. Inge White paid tribute to Dr. Yoneo Sagawa who passed away in December. Dr. Sagawa was a staunch supporter of HOS and the orchid industry.
Williette Wong gives the invocation.
Williette Wong gave the invocation.
The Hale Ikena had a very nice selection of food in their buffet line.
The Hale Ikena had a very nice selection of food in their buffet line.  HOS attendees were first in the buffet line at 10:00 AM.
Ronald Yamauchi was the Orchidist of the Year for 2013.  President Ruth Chun presented Ron with a lei and gift certificate.
Ronald Yamauchi was the Orchidist of the Year for 2013. President Ruth Chun presented Ron with a lei and gift certificate.
The audience listened intently at President Ruth Chun's annual report.
The audience listened intently at President Ruth Chun’s annual report.
The audience noted that a lot was accomplished last year.
The audience noted that a lot was accomplished last year.
More photos of the audience.
The audience had a good time.
The officers for 2014 posed for a group photo.  The officers were sworn in by Raymond Uchida.
The officers for 2014 posed for a group photo. The officers were sworn in by Raymond Uchida from the University of Hawaii.
A lot of plants were given away.  These were the big winners of the raffle.
A lot of plants were given away. These were the big winners from the raffle.
Janice Uchida was also a big raffle winner.  She and her husband Raymond have their picture taken.
Janice Uchida was also a big raffle winner. She and her husband Raymond have their picture taken.
People collect and box their winnings after the banquet.
At the conclusion of the banquet, people collected and boxed their winnings.  Everyone went home happy.