One well-presented stately flower on a nineteen centimeter stem and one bud; dorsal sepals and petals carmine with dark margins, synsepal buff; lip yellow overlaid with carmine, forming stripes around inner rim; staminode yellow with dark carmine markings; substance average; texture crystalline in dorsal sepal and petals. Natural spread horizontal 4.5 cm, vertical 4.1 cm; dorsal sepal width 1.2 cm, length 1.9 cm; petals width 1.6 cm, length 2.0 cm; lateral sepals width 1.2 cm, length 1.6 cm; lip width 1.7 cm, length 2.3 cm.

Award Number2022-31
Award Date04/14/2022
VenueBloom Festival, Ward Village
Plant NameAcker’s Trinket
CultivarPacific Heights
OwnerKate Leonard & Ian Sandison
PhotographerMel Waki