Three flowers and no buds on one inflorescence; sepals burnt orange with rose edge, some sepals with a few maroon spots on tips; petals with a yellow base and a burnt orange flare extending to tip and a broad rose edge; lip maroon with yellow striations in the throat; column light yellow with a white anther cap; substance very firm; texture crystalline. Natural spread horizontal 7.5 cm, vertical 7.8 cm; dorsal sepal width 1.8 cm, length 4.4 cm; petals width 3.4 cm, length 4.5 cm; lateral sepals width 1.8 cm, length 3.8 cm; lip width 3.2 cm, length 4.2 cm.

Award Number2023-07
Award Date02/11/2023
VenueLanakila Senior Center
Plant NameCoral Gold
CultivarVolcano Queen
OwnerNuuanu Orchids
PhotographerMel Waki