Fourteen flowers and nineteen buds on two erect staked inflorescences; judged inflorescence with fourteen very well presented albinistic flowers exceptionally arranged with four buds; sepals and petals clean lime green; lip pale chartreuse with buttercup keel, column lime green; anther cap pale chartreuse; margins of stigma black; substance very firm; texture crystalline. Natural spread horizontal 12.2 cm, vertical 29.0 cm; dorsal sepal width 0.9 cm, length 12.5 cm; petals width 0.8 cm, length 7.4 cm; lateral sepals width 0.9 cm, length 16.0 cm; lip width 4.4 cm, length 6.6 cm.

Award Number2023-15
Award Date03/11/2023
VenueLanakila Senior Center
Plant NameRex
CultivarWaiomao Spotless
OwnerCalvin Kumano
PhotographerMel Waki