Seventeen pleasingly presented flowers and no buds on three inflorescences with two developing branches, judged inflorescence 52 cm long; dorsal sepal erect with mild cupping, burgundy, lateral sepals fused, burgundy but not observable from front view; petals tear drop with delicate undulation on rounded distal margin, yellow with large burgundy spots and solid on basal half; lip sidelobes burnt orange, round midlobe with irregular scalloped margin and central notch; base color yellow with burnt orange margins and evenly spaced small burgundy spots with solid burgundy mask; column yellow, anther cap yellow; substance average; texture matte. Natural spread horizontal 3.0 cm, vertical 3.6 cm; dorsal sepal width 0.6 cm, length 1.0 cm; petals width 1.1 cm, length 0.9 cm; lateral sepals width 0.8 cm, length 1.2 cm; lip width 3.0 cm, length 2.4 cm.
Award Number | 2023-23 |
Award Date | 05/13/2023 |
Venue | Lanakila Senior Center |
Genus | Rrm. |
Plant Name | Volcano Flare |
Cultivar | Pam |
Award | AM |
Score | 82 |
Owner | Mel & Pam Waki |
Photographer | Mel Waki |