Eight flowers and three buds on two staked inflorescences; sepals light lavender; peloric petals and lip ovoid with ruffled margins, magenta margins, light lemon yellow basally in heart shape; column white; anther cap light lavender; substance firm; texture crystalline. Natural spread horizontal 9.5 cm, vertical 9.7 cm; dorsal sepal width 2.2 cm, length 5.0 cm; petals width 4.5 cm, length 5.4 cm; lateral sepals width 2.1 cm, length 5.3 cm; lip width 5.2 cm, length 5.1 cm.

Award Number2023-28
Award Date05/22/2023
VenueAiea Orchid Club Meeting
Plant NameMomilani Rainbow
OwnerCalvin Kumano
PhotographerMel Waki