Two flat staked flowers and no buds on one inflorescence; sepals and petals concolor rich beet red, darker apically; lip deep maroon, side lobes beet red; column amaranth, anther cap black; substance firm, texture velvety. Natural spread horizontal 9.8 cm, vertical 9.0 cm; dorsal sepal width 2.2 cm, length 5.1 cm; petals width 4.1 cm, length 4.9 cm; lateral sepals width 2.4 cm, length 4.8 cm; lip width 3.6 cm, length 3.5 cm.

Award Number2023-44
Award Date07/24/2023
VenueAiea Orchid Club Meeting
Plant NameParadise Red
CultivarNuuanu Orchids
OwnerNuuanu Orchids
PhotographerMel Waki