Seven hundred eight-six bright orange flowers and four hundred sixty-seven buds on sixty-four inflorescences held on eleven mostly upright canes; thirty-five canes in total; plant grown in bark and coco coir mix in a ten-inch diameter plastic pot; sepals, petals and lip tangerine in color with deep red stripes basally; substance firm; texture crystalline. Natural spread horizontal 1.6 cm, vertical 1.6 cm; dorsal sepal width 0.4 cm, length 0.7 cm; petals width 0.3 cm, length 0.7 cm; lateral sepals width 0.4 cm, length 1.0 cm; lip width 0.4 cm, length 0.6 cm.
Award Number | 2024-41 |
Award Date | 06/13/2024 |
Venue | Aiea Orchid Show |
Genus | Den. |
Plant Name | bullenianum |
Cultivar | Walby |
Award | CCM |
Score | 84.6 |
Owner | Walter & Ruby Hiraishi |
Photographer | Mel Waki |