Ten flowers and no buds on two inflorescences; five flowers on inflorescence judged; sepals and petals white overlaid pink with lavender striations throughout; lip deep lavender, throat white with lavender striations; substance good; texture matter. Natural spread horizontal 15.1 cm, vertical 16.0 cm; dorsal sepal width 2.5 cm, length 9.9 cm; petals width 9.0 cm, length 4.1 cm; lateral sepals width 2.1 cm, length 7.5 cm; lip width 4.5 cm, length 7.2 cm.
Award Number | 2024-42 |
Award Date | 06/13/2024 |
Venue | Aiea Orchid Show |
Genus | C. |
Plant Name | purpurata h.f. striata |
Cultivar | Noelle Chung |
Award | AM |
Score | 80.6 |
Owner | George & Judy Hidano |
Photographer | Mel Waki |