Five hundred thirty flowers and no buds on eight inflorescences extending 110 centimeters from center; exceptionally well-grown plant with beautiful foliage grown in an 18-inch plastic basket and measuring 84 centimeters tall and 160 centimeters wide; flowers, sepals and petals light green with heavily spotted mahogany overlay; lip tubular with white throat and striping coalescing to mahogany margins; substance firm; texture matte. Natural spread horizontal 5.7 cm, vertical 3.3 cm; dorsal sepal width 1.3 cm, length 2.5 cm; petals width 1.1 cm, length 2.7 cm; lateral sepals width 1.1 cm, length 2.8 cm; lip width 0.7 cm, length 1.5 cm.

Award Number2024-44
Award Date06/13/2024
VenueAiea Orchid Show
Plant NameBookie
CultivarMatty Boi
OwnerMatthew McKnight III
PhotographerMel Waki