Approximately eight hundred sixty-one flowers and two thousand two hundred buds on one hundred forty-four semi-arched thin, red, pseudo-umbellate inflorescences on a well grown 61 centimeter wide by 62 centimeter tall plant grown on cork in a 8-inch by 8-inch wood basket; sepals and petals creamy yellow; lip, column and anther cap light greenish-yellow; substance soft; texture crystalline. Natural spread horizontal 0.5 cm, vertical 2.8 cm; dorsal sepal width 0.2 cm, length 0.5 cm; petals width 0.2 cm, length 0.4 cm; lateral sepals width 0.3 cm, length 2.5 cm; lip width 0.1 cm, length 0.2 cm.
Award Number | 2024-49 |
Award Date | 08/26/2024 |
Venue | Aiea Orchid Club Meeting |
Genus | Bulb. |
Plant Name | othonis |
Cultivar | Waki |
Award | CCM |
Score | 89.8 |
Owner | Mel & Pam Waki |
Photographer | Mel Waki |