Twenty-three flowers and seven buds on one arched inflorescence; sepals egg-shell white, distal half overlaid light chartreuse; petals light chartreuse with light mauve in the throat; column chartreuse, anther cap chartreuse; substance firm; texture matte; commended for rarely seen striking peloric flowers. Natural spread horizontal 5.9 cm, vertical 4.2 cm; dorsal sepal width 0.9 cm, length 3.0 cm; petals width 2.0 cm, length 2.8 cm; lateral sepals width 0.9 cm, length 2.8 cm; lip width 1.2 cm, length 1.9 cm.

Award Number2024-57
Award Date10/10/2024
VenueHOS Show
Plant NameAiry Alowana
CultivarYellow Snowflake
OwnerNuuanu Orchids
PhotographerMel Waki