Eight flowers on three inflorescences; sepals and petals rose pink; lip rose pink distally fading to white then finally canary yellow basally; column chartreuse basally becoming white distally with a slight rose pink splash; substance firm; texture matte. Natural spread horizontal 5.8 cm, vertical 6.2 cm; dorsal sepal width 1.4 cm, length 3.2 cm; petals width 2.2 cm, length 3.0 cm; lateral sepals width 1.7 cm, length 3.2 cm; lip width 2.5 cm, length 3.0 cm.

Award Number2020-05
Award Date02/12/2020
VenueHOS Meeting
Plant NameAndrea Lei
OwnerJan Takamiya
PhotographerAlyn Nishioka