Catasetum gladiatorium x semicirculatum

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  • September 24, 2024 at 7:31 pm #15098

    This is a fun hybrid of two different looking Catasetum species belong to the Catasetum barbatum complex and was created by Fred Clarke of Sunset Valley Orchids! The colors and broadness of the basal callus come from the Catasetum semicirculatum parent. The reflexed lateral sepals, long central spike on the basal callus, and the callus on the tip of the lip come from the Catasetum gladiatorium parent. Both parents have high flower counts per inflorescence, so I hope to see more flowers as the plant matures!

    September 27, 2024 at 8:23 pm #15105

    Wow, so colorful and patterned.

    Very complicated flower, almost looks like a bird.

    If you can win an award you might be able to name the cross!

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