Need help. What’s happening to my Habenaria rhodochila?

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  • August 31, 2022 at 7:30 pm #7985

    This was submitted by a member and is reposted here.  Can anyone help?

    February 8, 2023 at 1:08 pm #12249

    Habenarias are very interesting orchids to grow, understanding their normal growing cycles makes it easy to care for them. Asian species of Habenaria grow in areas that have a monsoon type growing season. They grow from corms that go dormant in the dry soil of the dry season. In early spring, rains return softening the soil and triggering new growth.

    The new growth leads to a beautiful upright bright orange flower spike. The spike has sequential blooms with older flowers near the bottom and new buds at the top. Eventually all the flowers die off and the leaves turn brown as in this picture which is normal. At this time reduce watering and cut back to no water. Mark the plant and put into safe place to rest, it’s OK to repot in a dry mix.

    Around Feb or March check if any new shoot is emerging and only start watering if you see growth. Once April arrives if you don’t see much then a light occasional misting is OK.

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