Xylobium foveatum

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  • February 16, 2023 at 1:35 am #12844

    Xylobium foveatum is a medium sized epiphyte found throughout Central America and Northern South America. The plant is very easy to grow and can reach specimen size quickly. The inflorescence develops very quickly! I’ve had a plant in full bloom about a week after I noticed the spike developing. Unfortunately, the flowers are short lived, only lasting about 2-4 days. The flowers are fragrant, similar to root beer! Plant is grown in fine orchid bark with perlite and charcoal in a plastic pot. Even moisture year round with regular watering. Semi to deep shade, as the plant has wide, thin leaves to help capture light in shady conditions. Related to Maxillaria.

    February 17, 2023 at 4:51 pm #12859

    Jed…this is a very nice orchid and it smells like root beer!

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