Orchid Resources
The Honolulu Orchid Society Library
The Honolulu Orchid Society offers its members a wonderful selection of orchid-related materials. Members can choose from books, various orchid society publications, orchid magazines, and Honolulu Orchid Society’s publications, Na Pua Okika and Na Okika. Members can check out materials with the librarian at the monthly meetings. The length of the checkout period is one (1) month and members are expected to return the materials at the next meeting, unless prior arrangements with the librarian have been made. In the unfortunate case of lost materials, the member will be responsible for the cost of the replacement.
See the Master List of all Books, Magazines and Articles in the HOS Library →
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View Na Pua Okika Volume 1 (July 1951)
View Na Okika Volumes 1 & 2 For Free
Na Pua Okika/Na Okika Online Library
Members Only:
Na Okika O Hawaii the Hawaii Orchid Journal 2020
Historic Find, Scholarship, Orchidist of the Decade, Bill Thoms Award, Awards, Photo Sharing Bulletin, COVID-19, Stamps, Music, Philippines Life Member, Photographer
Na Okika O Hawaii the Hawaii Orchid Journal 2019
First-Time Entry Wins Best in Show, Honolulu Orchid Society 80th Anniversary, Awards, FCCs, Dendrobium stratiotes, Water, Judging System, Past Photos, Technology for Orchids
Na Okika O Hawaii the Hawaii Orchid Journal 2018
Honorary Judges, Orchid Show and Awards, Susan and Robert Perreira