Orchid Resources
HOS Monthly Newsletter
Upcoming meetings and programs, orchid culture articles, recent judging results, society news.
Culture Sheets
The Honolulu Orchid Society Lending Library
The Honolulu Orchid Society offers its members a wonderful selection of orchid-related materials. Members can choose from books, various orchid society publications, orchid magazines, and. Members can check out materials with the librarian at the monthly meetings. The length of the checkout period is one (1) month and members are expected to return the materials at the next meeting, unless prior arrangements with the librarian have been made. In the unfortunate case of lost materials, the member will be responsible for the cost of the replacement.
AOS Publications
The American Orchid Society has published many different publications including: Orchids magazine, AOS Bulletin, Awards Quarterly, and Genera specific magazines. Some highlights of these publications are: mainland growers and growing conditions, AOS awarded plants, exotic genera and hybrids, international orchid trips, and orchid history.
Orchid books cater to both beginning growers and master growers. Books can offer general orchid culture or information on a specific genera or type of orchid. Some books give a little more detail in the natural growing conditions of specific countries and regions, which might be helpful for species orchid growers with a stubborn orchid or two.
Na Pua Okika & Na Okika
The Honolulu Orchid Society’s publications, Na Pua Okika and Na Okika are available to members in an online digital library. HOS Librarian Jed Smith collected and scanned all 242 issues of the Honolulu Orchid Societyʻs orchid journals, Na Pua Okika O Hawaii Nei and Na Okika O Hawaii. They are presented here for their historical interest and value as a record of orchid collecting, hybridizing and culture, judging and the orchid community in Hawaii. Circumstances and understanding change over time and some of the articles make recommendations that are no longer in accordance with current practices and understanding. For example, certain pesticides mentioned are no longer approved for use.
“I am so happy that the Honolulu Orchid Society’s rich history is
~ Jan Takamiya
documented and accessible!”
Index of Orchid Resources
General Orchid Culture
General Orchid Culture, Walter Tsuda
Orchid Growing for Beginners, Roy Tokunaga Video
Basic Orchid Care Update, Roy Tokunaga Video
Basic Orchid (Vanda) Repotting, Brad Lau video (repotting starts at 4:00 min)
Orchid Culture by Genus
Cycnoches, Mormons, and Catesetums, Fred Clarke Video
Dendrobium: Hard Cane Type, Roy Andrade
Honohono (Den. anosmum), Jan Takamiya
Dendrobium Orchid Culture (Spatulata), Roy Andrade Video
Oncidium, Ed Oka
More culture sheets
Hilo Orchid Society Culture Sheets
American Orchid Society Culture Sheets
Water, the most important nutrient, Roy Tokunaga (coming soon)
The elusive solution, Roy Tokunaga (coming soon)
My Orchid Secrets Revealed, Mel Waki Video
Orchid Growing for Beginners, Roy Tokunaga Video
Basic Orchid Care Update, Roy Tokunaga Video
Latouria Dendrobiums: Some of the best of the best as viewed by a backyard grower, Ian Sandison Video
1:40 Start of Ian’s Presentation
25:30 Examples from Ian’s yard
32:40 Reverse Osmosis
Pests, Disease & Other Problems
Diseases of Orchids in Hawaii, PowerPoint Presentation, Scot C. Nelson, Ph.D. Plant Pathologist (UH-CTAHR) [Retired]
Orchid Fleck Virus (OFV), State of Hawaii Dept. of Agriculture, New Pest Advisory
American Orchid Society Pests and Disease
Orchid Info by Genus
Dendrobium: Hard Cane Type, Roy Andrade
Honohono (Den. anosmum), Jan Takamiya
Dendrobium Orchid Culture (Spatulata), Roy Andrade Video
Latouria Dendrobiums: Some of the best of the best as viewed by a backyard grower Ian Sandison Video
1:40 Start of Ian’s Presentation
25:30 Examples from Ian’s yard
32:40 Reverse Osmosis
Winning Awards and How to grow Cattleya to their full potential, Ben Oliveros Video,
(courtesy of Orchids in Paradise)
A Brief Study of Award Winning White Cattleyas, Katherine Leonard Video
Orchid Species
The World of Orchid Species, Matthew McKnight III Video
Orchid Species You Can Grow, Adam Almeida Video
The Goldilocks Zone: A Review of Intermediate Orchids and How to Grow Them, James Keach Video and Slides
Tips and Tours
A visit with Walter Hiraishi – “Sharing Orchid and Plant Culture and Wisdom Accumulated over the Years” Video
A Visit to H&R Orchid Nurseries Video
My Orchid Secrets Revealed, Mel Waki Video
Orchid Conservation & Research
Traditional Uses & Conservation Strategies of Orchids in Oaxaca, Mexico, Julia Douglas Video
Canopy Ecology of Orchids in the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, Julia Douglas Video
UH Publications Search
University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) Publications Search
Please Note: The CTAHR publications database reflects over a century of study by researchers and extension agents in the College. Much of the information contained in earlier publications is still of practical and technical use, and the documents are an unparalleled resource for Hawai’i agricultural and horticultural history. However, some publications also make recommendations that are no longer in accordance with more recent advances in understanding. For instance, they may specify pesticides or methods of using them that are no longer allowable under current State or federal regulations. Before using any pesticide, always read its label for approved uses, and follow label directions for application. Other publications may advocate the use of particular plant species that are now considered invasive. The Invasive Species Council is continually making assessments on this matter; see their Web site at https://www.hawaiiinvasivespecies.org for the latest recommendations on the identification and control of these species.
Academic Programs and Botanical Gardens
- College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
- Botany Department University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
- University of Hawaii – Windward Community College Agripharmatech
- Honolulu Botanical Gardens
Orchid Clubs and Societies
- Aiea Orchid Club
- Ewa Orchid Society
- Hawaii Kai Orchid Society
- Hilo Orchid Society
- Honolulu Orchid Society
- Kaimuki Orchid Society
- Kunia Orchid Society
- Kona Daifukuji Orchid Club
- Kona Orchid Society
- La Hui Okika (species)
- Maui Orchid Society
- Mililani Orchid Society
- Wahiawa Orchid Society
- Windward Orchid Society
- American Orchid Society
Orchid Growers
- Akatsuka Orchid Gardens, Volcano
- Bromeliads Hawaii, Hilo
- Carmela Orchids, Hakalau
- Exotic Orchids of Maui, Haiku
- H&R Nurseries, Waimanalo
- Hawaii Hybrids, Hilo
- Hilo Orchid Farm, Mountain View
- Island Sun Orchids, Keaau
- Kalapana Orchids, Kurtistown
- Kawamoto Orchid Nursery, Honolulu
- Kiilani Gift and Garden, Waianae
- Ben Kodama Orchid Nursery, Waianae
- Kogachi Orchids, Waianae
- Kenneth Konishi Orchids, Waianae
- Calvin Kumano Orchids, Waianae
- Long Life Orchids, Hilo
- Newman’s Nursery, Keaau
- Olomana Orchids, Kaneohe
- Orchid Eros, Mountain View
- Orchid People, Kamuela
- Orchids of Waianae, Waianae
- Pacific Island Nursery, Keaau
- Penny’s Orchids, Waianae
- S&W Orchids, Waianae
- Sam’s Orchids, Waianae
- Tropical Orchid Farm, Haiku
- Winning Orchids, Mountain View