Six heavily marked flowers well spaced on two upright staked inflorescences; dorsal sepal chartreuse with dark mahogany vertical stripes coalesced proximally; synsepal slightly mahogany striped and spotted; pouch and steminode chartreuse overlaid mahogany; sustance heavy; texture waxy. Natural spread horizontal 7.0 cm, vertical 24.0 cm; dorsal sepal width 8.0 cm, length 7.0 cm; petals width 1.2 cm, length 18.3 cm; lateral sepals width 4.4 cm, length 6.5 cm; lip width 2.5 cm, length 6.3 cm.

Award Number2018-11
Award Date04/23/2018
VenueAiea Orchid Club Meeting
Plant NameWossner Black Wings
CultivarPamela’s Lestat
OwnerMidPac Orchids
PhotographerAlyn Nishioka