Eighty-seven flowers and sixteen buds on eighty-one inflorescences on a 31 cm by 31 cm wide, nineteen cm tall plant in a 6-inch square plastic basket with fir bark; flowers white; lip; cream with a line of fuchsia speckles; anther cap cream; substance firm; texture matte. Natural spread horizontal 0.8 cm, vertical 0.7 cm; dorsal sepal width 0.2 cm, length 0.4 cm; petals width 0.1 cm, length 0.1 cm; lateral sepals width 0.3 cm, length 0.5 cm; lip width 0.4 cm, length 0.3 cm.

Award Number2022-54
Award Date06/11/2022
VenueLanakila Senior Center
Plant Nametaylorii
OwnerJan Takamiya
PhotographerMel Waki