One thousand twenty-four flowers on thirty-two pendulous inflorescences on a stately 120 cm. wide by 100 cm. tall plant; sepals and petals white, distally blushed pink; lip round, white proximally bright golden yellow, margin pink; column yellow; anther cap yellow with a spot of magenta; substance delicate; texture slightly crystalline. Natural spread horizontal 4.4 cm, vertical 3.7 cm; dorsal sepal width 1.0 cm, length 1.8 cm; petals width 2.0 cm, length 2.8 cm; lateral sepals width 1.5 cm, length 3.0 cm; lip width 2.3 cm, length 2.0 cm.

Award Number2023-31
Award Date06/08/2023
VenueAiea Orchid Show
Plant Nameamabile
OwnerGeorge & Judy Hidano
PhotographerMel Waki