Mahalo Luncheon Held at Nice Day Restaurant
The Honolulu Orchid Society hosted a Mahalo Luncheon for workers, vendors, lecturers, School administrators and others who helped at the Society’s 77th Annual Orchid Show. The luncheon was held on Saturday, November 5, 2016 at the Nice Day Chinese Restaurant in Liliha. About 50 people attended the luncheon. Show Chairperson Williette Wong organized the luncheon.
Show Chairperson Williette Wong welcomes the attendees.
The luncheon begins with a serving of char siu bao.
Adam Almeida digs into the noodles. Larry Yamamoto and Ken Ibara look on.
This table had the big eaters.
Late comers sat on this table.
Everyone had a good time and enjoyed the meal.
There was a lot of socializing and sharing of stories besides eating.
HOS President Ruth Chun presents a $3,000 donation to Washington Middle School Principal Mike Harano to support the school.
Calvin Abe presents a $1,000 check to Joan Fujio. Joan is the Special Olympics coordinator for Washington Middle School. Calvin spearheaded the Special Olympics fund raiser for HOS.
Attendees received a magnet souvenir made by Joan Fujio.
Williette Wong closed the luncheon with a short thank you speech.
Thanks Mel for the posting. Everyone seems to be enjoying the food and each others company. That’s the Hawaiian way. Work hard, then kanikapila. Thank you all you wonderful people who helped and those other 20 more helpers who were unable to attend.