No HOS Judging at Aiea in April
No HOS Judging at Aiea in April
Change announced: HOS Judging will not be held at the April Aiea Orchid Club meeting
Change announced: HOS Judging will not be held at the April Aiea Orchid Club meeting
The Honolulu Orchid Society (HOS) conducts orchid judging on the second Saturday of most months at the Lanakila Multi-purpose Senior Center. Anyone may bring their blooming orchids for judging. You do not have to be a member of HOS to have your plants judged. Registration of plants is from 9:30 am to 10:00 am. Call...
Wednesday, March 13, 2024, the Honolulu Orchid Society's General March membership meetingAnnual fundraiser featuring orchid plants and goodies donated by members and Oahu and Neighbor Island nurseries. Open to the public.
Change announced: HOS Judging will not be held at the April Aiea Orchid Club meeting
NO HOS JUDGING AT AOC MEETING THIS MONTH DUE TO JUDGING AT KUNIA SHOW on March 21The Honolulu Orchid Society conducts orchid judging at most Aiea Orchid Club meetings. The Aiea Orchid Club meets at the Aiea Elementary School Cafeteria at 7:30 PM on the 4th Monday of each month except for January and December...
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