Mahalo to all who participated in our 2023 Festival of Orchids.

We are grateful for your support and participation.

HOS 2023 Show Program


Photo Gallery

The Honolulu Orchid Society meets at 7:00 pm on the second Wednesday of most months at Lanakila Elementary School Cafeteria, 717 N. Kuakini St, Honolulu. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Admission is free and open to the public.

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Archive of 2023 HOS Show Info

Show poster.

2023 HOS Show Poster
Copyright Honolulu Orchid Society 2023

The 2023 HOS Orchid Show & Plant Sale features

Orchid Displays
Orchid & Plant Vendors
Country Store
Plant Doctor
Hawaii Department of Agriculture
Free Orchid Classes
Honolulu Orchid Society Judging

2023 Show information archived.

Orchid Displays

The Aiea Orchid Club, Kunia Orchid Society and the Windward Orchid Society have accepted invitations to put up displays at the 2023 HOS Show. The Honolulu Orchid Society will also be putting up a display. Each floor display will occupy a 10-foot by 10-foot area. Setup for the displays will be on Thursday, October 12, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Our guest societies– the Aiea Orchid Club, Kunia Orchid Society and the Windward Orchid Society–will be recognized for their displays with Best Guest Display awards. First place will receive a cash prize of $150; second place $100 and third place $50. The displays will be judged on the following criteria:
 Color harmony (20%)
 Uniqueness and originality (20%)
 Arrangement (20%)
 Flower Quality (20%)
 Show Theme (20%)

Orchid & Plant Vendors

The following vendors will be selling at the Show:
 Calvin Kumano Orchids
 M&P Orchids
 Matt’s Botanics, LLC
 Miyasato Orchids
 Nuuanu Orchids
 Olomana Tropicals
 Sandalwood Orchids
 Wikolia Gardens
 Perla’s Plants

Vendor hours will be
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Friday, October 13, 2023, and
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Saturday, October 14, 2023.

Country Store

The Honolulu Orchid Society will be operating a Country Store. Orchid bark mix and New
Zealand sphagnum moss will be available for sale in the Country Store.

Plant Doctor

Plant doctors from the University of Hawaii’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) will be available to answer your orchid and plant questions. You may find it helpful to bring photos or samples in sealed plastic bags.

Hawaii Department of Agriculture

Educational displays

Free Orchid Classes

Three workshops are scheduled during the Show. Two will be held on Friday and one on Saturday.
 Friday, 10:00 AM. Getting to Know Dendrobiums. Instructor: Walter Hiraishi.
The class will be limited to 25 participants.
 Friday, 1:00 PM. Orchids for Beginners. Instructor: Larry Yamamoto.
 Saturday, 10:00 AM. Catch of the Day & Intro to Orchids.
Instructor: Roy Tokunaga
The workshops are free and will be held in an air-conditioned classroom.

Honolulu Orchid Society Judging

The orchids in the displays will be judged by the Honolulu Orchid Society Judges. Judging will be conducted on Thursday evening. In addition to the merit and cultural awards, the Judges will be selecting the winners of the following trophies:
 Best in Show
 Best Display in Show
 Best Cattleya in Show
 Best of White Cattleyas
 Best of Lavender Cattleyas
 Best of Yellow Cattleyas (yellow sepals and petals)
 Best Vanda in Show
 Best of White Vandas (including semi-alba)
 Best of Lavender Vandas (including blues)
 Best of Yellow Vandas
 Best Dendrobium in Show
 Best of White Dendrobiums
 Best of Lavender Dendrobiums
 Best of Yellow Dendrobiums (yellow sepals and petals, colored labellum o.k.)
 Best of Phalaenopsis (including Doritis and its hybrids)
 Best of Single-Flowered Slipper Orchids (Paphiopedilum, Phragmipedium,etc
 Best of Multi-Floral Slipper Orchids (Paphiopedilum, Phragmipedium, etc.)
 Best of Oncidiums
 Best of Bulbophyllum
 Best of Other Genera including Catesetum
 Best Miniature in Show
 Best Species
 Best Flowering Specimen Plant
 Judges Choice

Show Program

The list of award and trophy winners will be available online. Show program will also be available at the door via QR code and printed copies.

Orchid Judging 101

Learn more about HOS judging →

Program, Awards and Photos from our 2022 show: