2020 Officers Installed at Hale Ikena Banquet

The 2020 Officers and Trustees of the Honolulu Orchid Society (HOS) were installed at a banquet at the Hale Ikena Restaurant at Fort Shafter on Sunday, January 19, 2020.  Fifty-seven members and guests attended the banquet.  The officers were installed by Ken Ching, a long time member of HOS and President of the Kunia Orchid Society.

Calvin Kumano was selected as the 2019 HOS Orchidist of the Year.  He was presented a $100 check by President Brad Lau.

Special Recognition Awards were given to Jackie Lai, Kathy Sakuda, Calvin and Sherry Abe and Kate Leonard by President Brad Lau.

Everyone received at least three blooming orchids.  It was a nice banquet with lots of food and friendship.  The banquet started at around 10:00 AM and concluded at 1:00 PM.  The following photos give a good portrayal of the activities at the banquet.  The photos were taken by Calvin Abe.  You can see an enlarged view of any photo by clicking on the photo.